Monday, November 7, 2011

Caring for the Soul

Soul is translated in Greek as Psyche.  It’s what we consider to be our Essence.  Our essence is what is available when we surrender to the Creator.  Thus, the Creator has a Master Plan and we all belong to the Creator and we are part of the Master Plan.  Because the Creator gave us the “Freedom of the Will,” one can choose to be or not be a participant in the plan for your life.  If one chooses to follow the plan, one must first melt away pettiness, melt down selfishness, and forge away sickness and brokenness.  This prepares one to grow in Grace.
We must all learn the language of unity, compassion and love which is embedded in our feelings. Before we can be compassionate, the fire of love will burn away the fears, prejudices, and hatred many feel toward those who are different.  Thus the sunlight of possibilities—forgiveness, patience, and kindness—begin blooming into existence.  Sunlight begins working on the soil of life which resides in the Heart and tender plants of understanding take roots.
Trust someone with your feelings.  It is the language of the heart and, in many instances, there is no logic to these feelings.  You can’t be rational with your feelings.  There is a certain deep knowingness that separates feelings from what comes from the mind.  One must examine one’s life and find one’s own way into life lived with passion.  We are constantly faced with the daunting task of finding new ways to tell the Truth about who we are in a meaningful way.

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