Monday, November 7, 2011

Part II: What Matters Most

The moral fiber of our society has been unraveling for sometime now.  There have always been moral failures and lapses in human decency here and there, but the tone changed to the extent that causes us to hear an uncertainty which ignites fear and anxiety.  It is difficult to maintain moral consistency, mental poise, and emotional tranquility when one have lived one’s whole life in a fractured world and trying to grow faith in hard places.
We all need to be equipped with a well-grounded, defensible, and authentic system of values to serve as our moral compass.  We must appeal to whatever strategies and methods which are available to contribute to the strengthening of the moral fiber of our society.  We must learn from each other because no person can boast of perfection.  But with the awareness of forgiveness and restoration we move closer to understanding what matters most.
Like it or not, you are that person with all of your private historical data with your unique DNA and blood type which means you’re your own moral incubator in which to interact with parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends.  With the acceptance of this reality, one can affirm one’s personhood that is conferred upon oneself.  Your matter!  You can participate in the “game of life” as a full citizen of the world.
You are not a statistic, a digit in somebody’s research or a bundle of tangled instincts, drives and emotions; but a thinking, reflecting, remembering, reacting, feeling, analyzing, choosing human being.  You are a unique creation of a loving everlasting, holy Creator.  One must began to understand what matters most at the point where one discover one’s own individuality and acknowledge, affirm, and celebrate one’s personhood.

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