Sunday, November 20, 2011

Waiting………..And Waiting ……………………

Everyone endures waiting—often impatiently, sometimes anxiously, and sometimes with excitement.  We wait in the emergency room when a loved one or a friend is rushed to the hospital.  We wait in traffic, at the bust stop, at the train station, the post office, the grocery store and even the stop lights.  We wait for the seasons to change from Spring to Summer; Summer to Fall; Fall to Winter and, yes, Winter to Spring.  We wait for changes in the world—better health outcomes, a new vaccine for a dreaded disease, better schools, clean air, the computer to boot-up or just a friend to call.
What can we do while we are waiting?  Can we use the time to give thanks for life, for love, for joy, for grace and for mercy!  Can we give thanks to the Creator for the air we breathe or the water we drink—maybe give thanks for another day, another hour, another minute and for the potential in our creative imagination that may change the world for the better!  Can we give thanks for our children, our family, our career and a place we can call home!  Can we think about thinking to see our thoughts in action!  Are we so angry, sad, tried or frustrated to the point that we can’t feel or see any possibility for happiness or joy?  Do we think about “others” who may desperately need our help?  Are we too busy to care, to vote, to send a card to a friend or text a child and say “Love Ya!” 
You can decide what to do while waiting—you only have the moment that you are in NOW!! 

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