Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The X Generation………Solving for X

“It is in that it”
When you look in the mirror, you see a reflection of the truth in plain sight!  You are already that which you can become.  If you are to become something, a time process will be a must.  All of those who have known, they have also known that becoming is a dream.  You are already that being—you are perfect as you are.  Imperfection appears because you are asleep to your own perfection.  The Creator has to flower within you.  The Creator is always there within you—you can never separate yourself from the love of the Creator.
That which you are seeking has already been achieved—you are there NOW!  When you look in the mirror, you can only see a reflection of the miracle that is you!  There is no one on the face of the earth just like you.  You are special.  Out of many possibilities, you were chosen to journey in this life, to discover the good and the bad, but in the end, find real meaning.  Learn the value of forgiveness, discover true friendship, explore goodness, and help whomever you can.  Always be available when needed and be the first to say “yes.”  I will go, send me!  Enjoy good food, genuine friends, satisfying conversations, and experience those moments that stay for a lifetime.
The Creator has placed gifts in our soul.  In these gifts you will find personal power, fulfilling work, rewarding relationships, enduring friendships, and everlasting goodness.  Know one can tell you how to live your life—you have the freedom of the “will” to choose your own path.  Know one can tell you the secrets of the heart, but with faith and discernment all things will be revealed to you when the need arises.  Go to the Source, the Knower, and ask for help.  Ask for guidance—ask to be a servant of humankind.  Try to imagine how it must feel to be at perfect peace!  Close your eyes and you are there.  Are you listening—are you paying attention!
We can respond to our soul’s need as it winds its way through the maze we call life.  We can be the protector of our own souls with renewal and restoration.  This is not about being perfect—perfection has its place.  This is about living patiently in the moment with life as it presents itself day by day in each moment of existence.  With the intersection of technology with theology in these contemporary times, people complain of emptiness, meaninglessness, depression and disillusionment about family, marriage and relationships.  They are feeling a loss of values, yearning for personal fulfillment and hunger for spirituality.
We yearn excessively for entertainment, power, intimacy, sexual fulfillment, and material possessions.  And we believe we can find these things if we discover the right relationship or the right job, church or therapist.  But in the end, it’s about “caring for the soul.”  Caring for the soul requires a special crafting of life itself, with an artist’s sensitivity to the way things are done.  Caring for the soul requires skill and attention.  As the seed of soul unfolds into character and personality, we must watch and participate in this special event which comes with history, a language, and a unique mythology that is the centrality of belonging.
It is our responsibility to cultivate our souls.  It is the focal point or vector, the centrality of who we are, and yet it is far beyond our capacity to devise and to control it.  It is so special that Jesus who became the Christ reminded us that the Kingdom of God is within us.  It’s the place where the Holy Spirit resides.  But not until you cultivate, retrieve and participate in the things of the soul can we reach the ultimate spiritual fulfillment.  It is inspiring to care for the soul.  It is what life’s journey is all about.  Start this day and care for the soul.

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